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Record your screen using Dynamic integration

To record your screen: 

  1. Click on the Hippo Video icon. You will see various pop-up options.

  1. Now, click on Record your screen from the right to capture your screen while recording the message.

Note: Webcam Mic are selected by default. To capture your screen while recording the message, select Screen.
  1. Click on Start Recording.

  1. Choose what you want to share Entire Screen or Window and click Share.

  2. Once you’ve done, click Finish Recording.

  1. Once you’ve completed your recording, you’ll be redirected to the following screen. 

  2. Select the text New Recording above the video to change the default video name to a name of your choice.

Edit Video:

You can now do basic editing using the Quick Edit feature - Trim, Crop, Text, Image, Emoji, Callout, Blur, and Resize.
To edit the video:

  1. Click on the Edit & Personalize button below the video preview.

  2. Select Quick Edit from the pop.

  1. Edit the video, if required, and click the Apply button.

To learn more about quick edit.

Personalize Video:

A video message is a great way to grab your viewer's attention and keep them engaged. You can tailor a video to the viewer by customizing it. 

To personalize the video:

  1. Click on the Edit & Personalize button below the video preview.

  2. Select Personalize Video from the pop.

  1. Insert merge fields and customize them according to your preference.

  2. Once you’re done, click the Apply button.

Sales Page Templates

A sales page template is a landing page template where your viewers watch a video. You can customize the page with your branding, add CTAs, add a calendar link to book more meetings, add pre-recorded videos like customer testimonials, & product demos, add collateral documents, and convey your business value. All you have to do is customize the page according to your needs and choose a relevant page for the videos you record.

To set the sales page template:

  1. Click on the Sales Page Template tab to embed the video, you’ll notice that the sales page template is selected by default.

  2. You can proceed with the default sales page template or choose any one of the sales page templates of your choice from the existing ones or click the Create Sales Page Template button, you’ll be redirected to the Sales Page Templates screen inside the product.


Note: You can create one sales page template for multiple videos and the entire team can use it while sending videos. The Merge fields will be auto-replaced with the prospect information eg: First Name, Company name, etc.


Video thumbnails are the face of a video; most users choose videos with catchy thumbnails. It is recommended to choose an animated GIF thumbnail over a static one. First and Last few portions of your video will be merged and shown as a thumbnail (endless loop/loop continuously). Your customer will get to know that it is a video attached and not an image (static).

To set the thumbnail:

  1. Click on the Video Thumbnail tab. You’ll notice that the GIF Thumbnail is selected by default. 

Note: It is recommended to choose an animated GIF thumbnail over a static one. First and Last few portions of your video will be merged and shown as a thumbnail (endless loop/loop continuously). Your customer will get to know that it is a video attached and not an image (static).
  1. Once you’re done, click on Copy to Clipboard/Insert Video.

To input the prospects and video details:

  1. Enter the email address and the Context Name is pre-populated which includes the video name & sales page template name. 

  2. Then, click on Copy to Clipboard/Insert Video.

  3. You will notice the video gets pasted as a thumbnail inside the compose mailbox. 

  4. Now, your video is ready to be shared.

Note: To proceed further, close this tab.

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