With Hippo Video, you can now easily share your folders internally with your team members. You have an option to modify the privacy settings such as view and edit the folders based on the role. By default, the folder permission will be set as 'Only Me'.
Who can set the below permissions?

Global Settings: This is applicable only for Admin.
If the Content Privacy Settings is enabled, access is set by default as “Everyone in the Organization,” and everyone can access the folders.
If the Content Privacy Settings is disabled, the option “Only Me” will be set as default, and only the owner can access the folders.
Note: Any changes the Admin makes in terms of Content Privacy Settings will apply only to new folders created post the change. At any point in time, the Users can alter the privacy setting and those changes will reflect in subsequently created new folders.
To set privacy globally:
Login to Hippo Video using your existing credentials. Click on the More icon from the left navigation bar and then click on Settings > Video Settings or click the Settings icon from the left navigation bar > Video Settings.
Toggle Content Privacy Configuration ON/OFF.
Once done, click Save on the top right.
Folder / Video Settings: This is applicable for both Admin and User.
As an Admin/User, you will have three Visibility and two Permission options as described below:
Users and Groups - Select the users and groups from the search field. By default, the selected users and groups will be given view access.
Everyone in the Organization - All the users from the same domain can access the folders.
Note: By default, the Visibility will be set as Everyone in the Organization.
Editor - Allows access to the user to edit the video inside the folder.
Viewer - Allows access to the user to view the video inside the folder and share the same.
Remove Access - This will not be shown as separate permission. Only the creator can remove access to the folder.
Note: If the same video is available in two different folders, the system will automatically retain the highest Visibility option.
To set folder privacy for an existing folder:
Click on the Assets icon from the left navigation bar and hover the mouse over the folder for which you wish to set privacy and click on Edit Folder.
The Edit Folder will pop-up.
Select the Visibility you wish to set.
By default, the selected users/groups will have only view access.
If required, the Admin can change the access by clicking on the Viewer link.
From the pop-up, the Admin can select Editor access.
Note: The same user will have access to Viewer and Editor. So, in that case, they will have permissions based on the hierarchy, i.e. Between Viewer and Editor, the Editor has the highest permission.
Enabling the Share with everyone in the organization, the permission access is set as Viewer by default. If required they can change the permissions.
Once done, click Save.
To delete a folder:
Note: The deleting feature is applicable only to the creator.
Navigate to the Assets page.
Hover the mouse over the folder for which you wish to set privacy and click on Delete Folder.
You will be prompted with the confirmation whether to delete or cancel the process.
Click on Delete to delete; else click Cancel.
Note: The System folders (All Videos and Others) will not have Edit permission. In case a video is added to multiple folders, and anyone folder is deleted, the video inside the other folders remains unaffected.
Library Settings:
Except for the System folders, all other folders will have Edit & Delete options.
The user can edit the Folder Name, Visibility, and Permission for the folders.
You will be able to view the Thumbnail of the selected folders.
If the Privacy Settings is set as Only Me for a folder, then on deletion, the videos inside the folder will no longer be accessible or available to share.
If the Privacy Settings is set as Everyone in Organization or Specific Users for the folder then on deletion, the videos inside the folder will no longer be accessible by the user the folder is shared with.
Default Folder Settings:
As an Admin/User, you will have an option to set any folder as a default folder based on their preference. The Admin and Users can have different default folders i.e., if the Admin shares any default folder with the user, it will not be visible to the user and vice-versa.
Note: By default,
All the Uncategorised videos will be available inside the Others folder.
No folders will be set as default.
User Level Settings:
The default folder can be chosen from the library section.
They can set any folder as their default folder.
Note: At any point in time, the newly created folder can be set as default or they can even set any folder as a default (if they have an Edit permission). In that case, then the existing default folder will behave like a normal folder.
On successful creation of the folder, you will be notified with an option to set it as default.
The user will not be able to delete the shared folder.
A folder that is set as default will be marked with the Default tag.
All the System Folders and Others Folder will not have an option to be set as default.
Based on the user’s configuration, the default folders will be visible to everyone or a specific user or only me.
To set a folder as a default:
Click on the Assets icon from the left navigation bar and then hover the mouse over the folder to set it as default.
Click on Set as Default. The selected folder will be marked as default.
To reset, hover the mouse over the folder to reset the settings.
Click on Reset Default. The selected folder will be removed from the default settings and behave as a normal folder.
System Folders and Others Folder Settings:
The Others folder setting is derived from Global settings.
Note: By default,
All the Uncategorised videos will be available inside the Others folder.
All the System Folders and Others Folder will not have an option to set as default.
No folders will be set as default.
If the Global Settings is set as “Everyone in the Organization” and the Others folder is set as “Only Me” then everyone can view the content of the folder.
If the Global Settings is set as “Only Me” and the Others folder is set as “Everyone in the Organization” then only the specific user will be able to view the content of the folder.
Edit Folder, Delete Folder, and Set as Default - No access.
Search for the Specific Folder:
Click on the Assets icon from the left navigation bar and then click on the Search field on the top right.
Enter the folder name and press Enter.
Filter By option for the Folder:
Click on the Assets icon from the left navigation bar and then click on the Filter By drop-down list on the top.
From the listed option, select All Folders (System folders & Folders created by you) or My Folders (Created by you) Enter the folder name and press Enter.
Shared Folder Indication:
Click on the Assets icon from the left navigation bar and you will be notified with the People icon on the top right corner of the shared folders.