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Delete videos from your library/preview page

With Hippo Video, you can now remove the unnecessary videos. By deleting the videos, they will no longer be available in any existing places. You can delete the videos in two different ways:

  • Video Library

  • Video Preview Page

To delete a video from your library:

  1. Login to Hippo Video using your existing credentials.

  2. Click on the Assets icon from the left navigation bar > All Assets.

  3. Hover the mouse over the video you wish to delete and click the More icon > Delete from the pop-up.

  1. Click Yes, upon which the selected video will be deleted.

Note: Under All Assets, you do not have the option to delete multiple videos at once. 

To delete a video or multiple videos from your folder:

  1. Click on the Assets icon from the left navigation bar > All Assets and open the folder you wish to delete videos from.

  2. Hover the mouse over the videos you will see the option to select a video at the top right corner of the video thumbnail.

  1. Select a specific video and click on the Delete Selected at the top right.

Note: The green check on the top right of your video thumbnail indicates the selection.
  1. Or select multiple videos and click on the Delete Selected at the top right.

  1. Click Yes, upon which the selected video will be deleted.

Note: To select and delete all videos, click on the check box at the top left.

To delete a video from your preview page: 

  1. Click on the Assets icon from the left navigation bar > All Assets and open the video you wish to delete from your library. You'll be redirected to the preview page.

  2. Click on the More icon at the top right of the video thumbnail.

  1. Click on Delete from the pop-up.

  1. Click Yes, upon which the selected video will be deleted.

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