This API allows your users to access their recorded videos available in their Hippo Video library right from your app. Now, to run the video library API, you need to have API Key.
Note: For each request, 20 videos will be listed to your users.
GET -> api/v1/me/videos/list
email - email of the user
api_key - Api Key of the user
page - page no of the list (each page contains 20 videos)
category_id - id of the category (optional)
video_type - type of video - e.g. ‘library’(default) or ‘testimonial’
{ "code": 200, "videos": [ { "id": 998, "title": "Bumblebee", "created_at": "07 Jan 2019 - 12:57PM", "thumbnail": "", "share_thumbnail": "", "share_url": "", "token": "ImPT2ob1FTUY0gqbwEHE8g", "embed_url": "", "duration": "00m:00s", "category_id": 109, "form_values": { "name": "Bumblebee" }, "category_name": "First Testimonial Campaign", "category_link": "" }, { "id": 995, "title": "Harry", "created_at": "07 Jan 2019 - 12:54PM", "thumbnail": "", "share_thumbnail": "", "share_url": "", "token": "i33-Y1cEtJVWRXnjlMH0-g", "embed_url": "", "duration": "00m:00s", "category_id": 109, "form_values": { "name": "Harry" }, "category_name": "First Testimonial Campaign", "category_link": "" } ], "has_next_page": false, "page": 1 }
id - Video ID
title - Video title
created_at - Video create date
thumbnail - Thumbnail of the video
share_thumbnail - Thumbnail of the video with a play icon (you can share the thumbnail linking it to your video).
share_url - Shareable video link.
embed_url - Link to embed the video.
category_name - Title of the category.
category_link - Link to the category where the recorded videos have to be stored.
The above responses are success cases. In case, any errors occur you’ll see an error response.
To check out other articles related to this topic.